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Non-Degree College Courses: A Practical Guide to Lifelong Learning

The traditional path to a college degree isn't for everyone. Many individuals find themselves seeking education and personal development opportunities outside the confines of a formal degree program. Non-degree college courses have become increasingly popular for those who want to acquire new skills, explore their interests, and enhance their professional prospects without committing to a full degree. In this article, we will explore the world of non-degree college courses, shedding light on their benefits, types, and how to make the most of them. What Are Non-Degree College Courses? Non-degree college courses, often referred to as continuing education or adult education, encompass a wide array of learning opportunities offered by colleges and universities. These courses do not lead to a degree but instead provide a more flexible, accessible, and targeted approach to learning. Non-degree courses are designed for individuals of all backgrounds and ages who wish to gain specific know...

NISP-RP-01 Portable Survey Instruments

Lesson one keep in mind that requirements and standards might have changed since the information hasn't been updated since 10/28/17. But regardless the information should give you a valuable look at the job of a radiation protection technician or nuclear technician and let you get some practice in. You can click this link to move onto the next lesson. 

1.1            Purpose

This procedure provides basic instructions to operate common instruments used for radiation and contamination surveys.  General descriptions, operating characteristics and limitations of these instruments are provided as attachments.

1.2            Scope and Applicability

This procedure provides guidance for the selection and operation of portable instruments that measure gamma, beta, alpha and neutron radiation.  If supplemental personnel are expected to operate instruments beyond the scope of this procedure, additional training may be required consistent with the site training and qualification program.

This procedure will be used to train supplemental radiological protection technicians.  Current revisions are maintained on the INPO website.

Terms, acronyms, and definitions are provided in NISP-RP-13, Radiological Protection Glossary.

Clarifying notes for requirements and process steps are provided in Section 4.0 using superscript numbers in the preceding sections.

2.0            General Requirements

2.1            Ensure that selected survey instruments are appropriate and calibrated to detect the types of radiation present in the work area.

2.1.1             Ensure that instruments used to measure radioactivity count rate have a scale that reads in units of counts per minute (cpm) or a multiple of this unit.

2.1.2             Ensure that instruments used to measure gamma dose rate have a scale that reads in units of mR/hr or mrem/hr or a multiple of these units.

2.1.3             Refer to Attachment 1, “General Radiation Detector Types and Uses” for general information on instrument types and use.

2.1.4             Refer to Attachment 2, “Typical Portable Radiation Detection Systems in Use at Nuclear Power Stations” to obtain specific information about standard portable detection systems.

2.1.5             Read all tags and labels on an instrument to determine if the use of a scale is restricted.

2.2            When using an instrument model for the first time, review the applicable manufacturer technical or operational manual, or operating procedure to understand the data display, control adjustments, and limits.

2.3            Ensure the instrument is turned on prior to entering an area to survey. Zero the instrument, if applicable, prior to entering the radiation field.

2.4            Prevent contamination of an instrument by avoiding contact with contaminated surfaces or bagging the instrument prior to use in a contaminated area.

2.5            Prevent damage to thin window detectors by avoiding contact with small, sharp objects.

2.6            Apply appropriate correction factors as provided by site procedures.

2.7            When using an instrument with an internal detector, use case markings to align the detector with radiation sources.

2.8            When using an instrument with an analog meter, allow the meter to recover/stabilize from inertial effects on the needle.

2.9            If the instrument has a scale adjustment, set the instrument on a scale appropriate for the expected dose rates prior to exposing the instrument to the radiation field.

2.9.1             Adjust scales with the objective to obtain a stabilized reading between 10% and 90% of the scale.

2.9.2             Allow the meter to stabilize after switching scales due to the potential for electronic noise to cause a temporary meter deflection.

2.9.3             If radiation levels are < 10% of the lowest scale, consider the radiation levels to be lower than the minimum sensitivity of the instrument and therefore a meter with a more appropriate range meter scale should be used

2.9.4             Prevent instrument damage by avoiding exposure to excessive heat, moisture, and radiation fields that are significantly above full- scale of the instrument.

3.0            Process Instructions

3.1            Perform Pre-Use Instrument Inspections and Checks.

3.2            Inspect instruments for physical damage prior to and during use. 

3.2.1             Ensure all cables are connected securely; verify no spikes or erratic results are displayed when moving cables.

3.2.2             Ensure switches and knobs can be operated without restriction.

3.2.3             If using a scintillation detector, turn the instrument on and check for punctures in the detector window by exposing the detector to a light source. An increase in the background count rate may be indicative of a punctured window.

3.2.4             If damage is suspected, tag the instrument out of service and contact appropriate site instrument coordinator or supervisor.

3.3            Ensure the instrument has a calibration sticker affixed and that the calibration due date is in the future.

3.4            If the instrument has a Battery Check mode, perform a battery check and ensure that the reading is within the specified range.

3.5            When inspecting an instrument with an analog or digital meter:

3.5.1             Ensure a source check per the required frequency has been performed on the scales expected to be used. 

3.5.2             When performing source checks, use the identified source.

3.6            If the site uses an instrument accountability system, sign instruments out and in as appropriate.

3.7            Operate an Ion Chamber Survey Instrument

3.7.1             Determine the gamma dose rate by holding the instrument in a steady position with the window closed and allowing the readout to stabilize.

3.7.2             Determine the beta dose rate by obtaining open window and closed window readings with the instrument in the same position.  Apply the following calculation:




Window Open


Window Closed


Beta Correction Factor (provided on an instrument label or in site procedures) 

3.7.3             Measure the activity on a highly contaminated smear (e.g. > 100,000 dpm) by placing the open window as close as possible to the smear without touching it and observe the digital display or meter indication.

3.7.4             Apply correction factors as provided by site procedures as needed to convert readings to dpm/100 cm2 (e.g. 75,000 dpm/mR per hour of Cs-137).

3.8            Operate a GM Survey Instrument

3.8.1             Determine the gamma dose rate by holding the instrument in a steady position and allowing the display to stabilize.

a.       If the detector has a beta window, ensure the window is closed during gamma measurement.

3.8.2             Exercise caution if a reading is off-scale high or low due to the potential for over-ranging conditions that may damage the instrument.

a.       Remove the instrument from the radiation field and/or change scales to prevent over-ranging conditions.

3.9            Operate a Count Rate Meter with a GM Frisker Probe

3.9.1             Turn on the count rate meter and allow approximately 10 seconds for an analog count rate meter to stabilize.

3.9.2             Estimate background by setting the range switch on the lowest range with an on-scale reading and setting the response time to the slowest setting, if adjustable.

3.9.3             Determine the count rate by multiplying the value indicated on the meter by the scale factor shown on the range selector switch.

3.9.4             Frisk surfaces as instructed in NISP-RP-02, Radiation and Contamination Surveys.

3.9.5             Convert count rate readings (CPM) to disintegration rate (DPM) as follows:

a.       For pancake GM detectors, multiply the CPM meter reading by 10 or as directed by RP supervision.

3.9.6             Press the reset button to clear alarms as needed.

3.10        Operate a Count Rate Meter with an Alpha, Beta, or Dual Scintillation Probe

3.10.1         Turn on the count rate meter and allow approximately 10 seconds for an analog count rate meter to stabilize

3.10.2         For instruments with multiple channels for alpha, beta, or dual response, ensure the instrument is set to appropriate mode corresponding to the probe being used.

3.10.3         Maintain the protective cover over the detector when not in use to prevent puncturing the thin film window.

3.10.4         Estimate background radiation level by setting the range switch on the lowest range that provides an on-scale reading.

a.       When using a dual scintillation probe for both alpha and beta readings, ensure that separate background readings are measured.

3.10.5         Determine the count rate by multiplying the value indicated on the meter by the scale factor shown on the range selector switch.

a.       Some digital instruments may automatically switch ranges and directly show the corresponding cpm values.

3.10.6         Frisk surfaces as instructed in NISP-RP-02, Radiation and Contamination Surveys.

3.10.7         Convert count rate readings (CPM) to disintegration rate (DPM) as follows:

a.       Multiplying the meter reading by the factor labeled on the instrument or as provided by RP supervision.

b.       When using a dual alpha and beta scintillation probe, ensure that the appropriate factors are applied to alpha and beta readings.

3.11        Operate a Neutron Rem-meter

3.11.1         Turn on the analog neutron rem-meter and allow approximately 10 seconds for the meter to stabilize. 

3.11.2         Determine the neutron dose rate by holding the instrument in a steady position allowing the readout to stabilize.

3.11.3         If required by site procedures, apply correction factors to meter results to get corrected readings.

4.0            Clarifying Notes

4.1    Some digital instruments automatically switch ranges and directly display cpm values without the need for applying multiplication factors.

5.0            References

5.1            NISP-RP-02, Radiation and Contamination Surveys


Attachment 1:  General Radiation Detector Types and Uses

General Types of Radiation Detectors

There are several types of radiation detectors used in the nuclear industry, some of the more common detector types are listed below along with general information on detector type, their operation, and use.

Gas-filled Detectors

All gas-filled detectors require a voltage be applied between a center anode and the detector chamber (cathode).  As a radiation particle or photon enters the chamber, it ionizes gas atoms creating positive ions and free electrons which are captured by the positive charge on the anode and negative charge on the cathode. The collection of these ions and electrons creates a pulse which is sensed and converted by the instrument’s electronic circuitry to provide an accurate display of the measured contamination or radiation fields depending on the type of instrument. By varying the voltage on the chamber, three useful types of gas-filled detectors can be created; Geiger-Mueller (GM) detectors, proportional counters, and ionization chambers. 

The gas inside the detectors can vary depending on design and use.  Certain gas-filled detectors operate on normal air while others use specialty gas.

GM detectors have a relatively high voltage (approximately 1000 - 1400 volts) applied to the chamber and as such, every particle or photon entering the chamber creates enough secondary ionizations that the entire chamber is ionized producing one large pulse. 

Proportional counters have less typically more voltage applied than GM detectors (approximately 300 –800 volts) which can vary depending on its use.  Because the voltage is typically more, proportional detectors can be set up to produce pulses that are proportional to the energy of the incident radiation and therefore can be used to differentiate between alpha and beta particles. Common hand-held proportional detectors include both gas-flow and sealed chambers.  Gas-flow proportional detectors require a constant flow of gas through the chamber in order to operate. 

Ionization chambers require varying amount of voltage (approximately 50 - 300 volts) and are designed to produce outputs which are relative to the incident energy of the photons or particles and thus can be calibrated to be relatively energy independent. 

Ionization chambers are one of the preferred detectors for measuring gamma dose rates because they can measure deep dose equivalent and tend to be accurate over a wide range of gamma energies. Ionization chambers have varying responses to neutron radiation due to recoil protons

Scintillation Detectors

Certain crystals, plastics, liquids and other materials will “scintillate”, or give off visible light, when they absorb ionizing radiation.  The amount of light emitted is proportional to the amount and energy of ionizing radiation that they absorb. When coupled with a photomultiplier tube or photo cathode (devices which convert visible light into electronic pulses) these materials make very useful radiation detectors.  Scintillation detectors are widely used to detect alpha, beta, and gamma radiation and can be used to measure gamma dose rate and contamination.    

Because the properties of certain materials allow them to absorb radiation differently, certain scintillation detectors are more useful than others for specific radiation types.  There are many types of scintillation materials and detectors, but the common ones used for hand-held applications in the nuclear power industry are:


Zinc Sulfide (ZnS) Detectors are generally used to measure alpha contamination.  A thin layer of ZnS effectively absorbs the energy from alpha particles and produces light but the ZnS layer does not have the characteristics to efficiently absorb beta particles or photons.  ZnS detectors are excellent detectors for detecting low levels of alpha particles because of their inherently low response to background.

Plastic Scintillator Detectors are typically used to detect beta and gamma radiation.  Thin layers of plastic scintillators are very effective in measuring beta particles and very low energy photons, such as those emitted from Iodine-125.  Thin plastic scintillators are too thick to produce light from alpha particles and are not large enough to absorb gamma rays of moderate energy and thus are very good beta detectors. 

Thick plastic scintillators absorb moderate to higher energy photons effectively and can be used for measuring gamma dose rate and gamma rays from contamination but are too thick to effectively absorb alpha or beta particles and covert them to measurable light.  Plastic scintillator detectors are very popular because plastic can be molded in a variety of configurations to provide specialty application. Thick plastic scintillation detectors are often used in vehicle monitors, tool monitors, and some hand-held instruments, such as micro-rem meters.

Sodium Iodide Detectors (NaI)

Sodium Iodide (NaI) crystals are used in a variety of applications and are very effective in detecting gamma photons.  Thick NaI detectors are very sensitive to gamma radiation and can be used for gamma monitoring and gamma spectroscopy.  Detectors with thin NaI crystals can be effectively used to measure lower energy photons and are mostly used in medical applications.

Cesium Iodide Detectors (CsI)

Cesium Iodide (CsI) crystals are used in some portable detectors for measuring gamma radiation. Handheld systems with CsI detectors are also used to perform gamma spectroscopy and can be used for underwater applications.

Dual Scintillation Detectors

Some detector probes contain a combination of scintillation material allowing them to detect more than one type of radiation simultaneously.  Common types of dual scintillation probes contain a thin plastic scintillator with a coating of ZnS.  These probes are effective in surveying for both alpha and beta particles at the same time and if used with the appropriate electronics, can provide a separate readout for alpha and beta count rate.

Semi-Conductor Detectors

Semi-conductor detectors (sometimes referred to as “solid-state” detectors) have properties midway between a good conductor and a good insulator and can act much like an ionization chamber. Common materials used to make semi-conductor detectors includes Germanium and Silicon.  Germanium detectors are often used for gamma spectroscopy and laboratory applications; however, Silicon has been widely used to make portable detection systems including alarming dosimeters, air monitors, and some area monitors.

Attachment 2:  Typical Portable Detection Systems in Use at Nuclear Power Stations



Detector Type

Typical Use

Typical Range

Notes and Special Considerations




Internal He3 Proportional Counter

General area neutron dose rate surveys

4 Ranges

0 to 10,000 rem/hr

·        Instrument provides gamma background rejection up to 12 R/hr.



Internal GM Probe for dose rate monitoring

External Pancake GM Detector for count rate monitoring

Internal probe can be used for dose rate monitoring

External Pancake probe used for beta contamination monitoring

Internal Probe:

5 Ranges

0 to 2 R/hr


External Probe:

4 Ranges

0 to 660K cpm

·        Ensure that the selector switch is set to the correct detector (i.e. internal vs. external) to ensure proper result.



Beta + Gamma


0 cpm - 500k cpm

·        Meter face can have both mR/hr and cpm readouts.  User must be aware of the probe and calibration and use proper scale



External Pancake GM Detector for count rate monitoring

External Pancake probe used for beta contamination monitoring


External Probe:

4 Ranges

0 to 500K cpm

·        Meter face can have both mR/hr and cpm readouts.  User must be aware of the probe and calibration and use proper scale





0 - 200


·        Meter face can have both mR/hr and cpm readouts.  User must be aware of the probe and calibration and use proper scale



Beta + Gamma

Ion Chamber, 2 detectors

LOW: 0.001 – 1.99 R/hr

MID:0.1 - 199.9 R/hr

HIGH:0.01- 19.9 KR/hr

·        Can be used with low, mid, and high range probes

·        Digital readout

·        Similar controls to RO-7



Internal Energy Compensated GM Tube

Remote area monitor or underwater detector


10uR/hr to 4 R/hr



0.5 mR/hr to 1,000




0.5 R/hr to 10,000 R/hr

·        Cables can be up to 350’ long

·        Unit can be used with WRM wireless transmitters


Ram Gam-1

Internal energy compensated GM tube

General area and contact gamma dose rate surveys.  Often used for shipping surveys since it can get close to packages for contact readings.

0.05mR/hr to 999mR/hr

·        Digitial Instrument







Internal energy compensated GM tube

General area and contact gamma dose rate surveys.  Often used for shipping surveys since it can get close to packages for contact readings.

1 uRem/hr to 10 Rem/hr

·        Digital instrument

·        Needs factory software to calibrate






Internal energy compensated GM tube

General area and contact gamma dose rate surveys.  Often used for shipping surveys since it can get close to packages for contact readings.

1 uRem/hr to 10 Rem/hr

·        Digital instrument

·        Needs factory software to calibrate






2 Internal energy compensated GM tubes

1 high range, 1 low range

General-area and contact gamma dose rate surveys.  Can be used for shipping surveys since it can get close to packages for contact readings

0.05 mR/hr to 1000 R/hr

Pole extends 11’

Thermo Eberline

6112B Teletector

2 internal GM Detectors for Low and High Range

General-area and contact gamma dose rate surveys

5 Ranges

0.1 mR/hr to 1000R/hr


·        Detectors extend to approximately 13’


Thermo Eberline


External GM probe

General area and contact gamma dose rate surveys.  Often used for shipping surveys since it can get close to packages for contact readings.

0 to 200 mR/hr when calibrated to dose rate

·        Meter face has both mR/hr and cpm readouts.  User must be aware of the probe and calibration and use proper scale.

Thermo Eberline

(formally Bicron)


Gamma + X-Ray

TEP Scintillator

5 Ranges

0 - 200 mRem/hr

·        Tissue equivalent and flatter energy response than Ludlum Micro-R


Thermo Eberline


External Pancake GM Detector for count rate monitoring

External Pancake probe used for beta contamination monitoring

External Probe:

3 Ranges

0 to 500K cpm

·        Can be used with both a GM pancake probe or with an end-window GM probe in a fixed counting holder



Thermo Eberline

RO 2/2A

Internal Ion Chamber

General-area gamma and beta dose rate surveys


4 Ranges

0.1 mR/hr to 5 R/hr



4 Ranges

1 mR/hr to 50 R/hr

·        Has two battery checks for each of the two batteries

·        Significant changes in atmospheric pressure or temperature can affect reading and require re-calibration

Thermo Eberline

RO 20

Internal Ion Chamber

General-area gamma and beta dose rate surveys

5 Ranges

0.1 mR/hr to 50 R/hr

·        Updated model of the RO-2 which includes the additional RO-2A range


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